How to Get Rid of Gum Infection Without Antibiotics
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How to Get Rid of Gum Infection Without Antibiotics

Although these home remedies are temporary and won’t cure your infection, they will help reduce symptoms until you can see a dentist for treatment.

Clove oil contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve toothache and swelling. You can apply clove oil directly on the affected area using a cotton swab.

Baking Soda

Home remedies for tooth infection include baking soda, a kitchen staple that reduces bacteria and relieves pain. It’s inexpensive, effective and safe. It also helps prevent and treat gingivitis and whitens teeth. Baking soda – aka sodium bicarbonate – is one of the most versatile household products for oral health, and can be found in many natural dental care products.

The individual grains of baking soda disrupt bacterial biofilms (or plaque) that coat the teeth and gums. These biofilms are known to cause inflammation and lead to cavities. Baking soda also neutralizes mouth acids resulting from the breakdown of food particles and can enhance the effectiveness of regular brushing.

A solution of baking soda and water can be used as a mouth rinse to reduce acidity, soothe sores and speed up healing. A teaspoon of baking soda mixed with a glass of water can also be used as an alternative to commercial mouthwashes, which often contain ingredients that can aggravate ulcers and sores in the mouth.

A mouth rinse of baking soda and oregano oil is a powerful way to treat an abscessed tooth. Oregano is a potent antiseptic and has great antioxidant properties. To make this homemade mouthwash, add a few drops of oregano oil to a teaspoon of baking soda and mix with lukewarm water to create a mouth rinse.

Salt Water

Salt is a natural antiseptic, which can help inhibit bacteria that contribute to gum infections. Salt water rinses can also remove excess debris and reduce inflammation and pain associated with gum infection. However, they are not a cure for gum infection and should be used as a supportive measure to maintain oral hygiene and address symptoms.

To make a salt water rinse, combine half a tablespoon of baking soda with a half cup of water and a pinch of salt. Swish the solution in your mouth for a minute and spit, repeating as needed.

Another effective home remedy for gum infection is vitamin C. This nutrient can be found in a variety of foods and is essential to oral health. It can be applied directly to the infected area of the gum to relieve pain and inflammation.

Other home remedies for gum infection include drinking herbal tea, using an ice pack, and applying anesthetics to the affected area. These remedies can be combined to create a comprehensive treatment plan for gum infection. If home remedies fail to provide relief, patients should contact a dentist for professional dental intervention. The dentists at Cupertino Family Dental can treat gum infections with state-of-the-art equipment and experience. For more information, visit the website. They also offer a number of cosmetic dentistry services, including teeth whitening and veneers.

Essential Oils

Various oils, such as chamomile, peppermint and tea tree can help with the pain and swelling of gum infection. These oils have antiseptic and antibiotic properties that destroy the bacteria in the mouth and help with healing. They also contain properties that stimulate tissue formation and accelerate healing. They can be applied directly to the gums with a cotton ball or swab.

Manuka honey can reduce pain and inflammation of the gums by inhibiting bacterial growth and releasing anti-inflammatory substances. It can be applied directly to the affected area or consumed by mixing a spoonful with water.

Clove oil is an age-old home remedy for swollen gums. It is a natural antiseptic and analgesic that can be used by massaging the infected area gently. This can be done multiple times throughout the day until the pain and swelling subsides.

Hydrogen peroxide is known for its teeth whitening properties, but it can also be used to disinfect the mouth. Dilute it with water and swish it around your mouth for a minute, being careful not to swallow. You can also try oil pulling, where you swish coconut or olive oil in your mouth for 30 minutes before spitting. These are all natural remedies, but if your symptoms persist, you should see a dentist at Cupertino Family Dental. We have state-of-the-art equipment and experienced dentists that can provide you with the best treatment for your gum infection.

Herbal Infusions

A number of herbal infusions can help to relieve a tooth infection. The Mediterranean herb fenugreek is a natural remedy for tooth pain and has immunity-boosting properties. Tea made from fenugreek leaves or stem can be consumed to ease pain and halt any further bacterial growth. Another option is to use clove oil, which is known for its anesthetic qualities and can be applied directly to the infected area. Other herbal options include turmeric, which may reduce inflammation and promote healing. Finally, essential oils are a time-tested home remedy for gum infection, as they contain antibacterial and antioxidant properties and can be used to alleviate swelling. To apply, place a few drops on a cotton ball or swab and apply to the infected area.

Although these home remedies can ease the symptoms of a gum infection, they cannot cure the condition itself. If you experience severe pain, a persistent throbbing, or pockets of pus that won’t go away, you should contact our office for help as soon as possible. We can help to drain the abscesses, stop the infection from spreading and help you get back to good health. We’ll work with you to find the right treatment plan for your needs. Call today to schedule your appointment!


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